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List of changes in Postico
Mar 18, 2019
Postico v1.5.6
Add support for SSH tunnels to unix domain sockets
Added keyboard shortcuts ⌘S for "Save Query…" and ⌘O for "Load Query…"
Fixed an issue where the text in the SQL editor disappeared
Fixed a bug where edited cells were not highlighted on macOS 10.12 and earlier
Fixed a bug where "Generate UUID" did not work
Fixed some UI bugs when creating temporary tables
The "Schema" popup button is now enabled when creating new tables on Amazon Redshift
Fixed an issue where postgresql+ssh:// type connection URLs were sometimes not parsed correctly
Postico now actually uses a provided uuid when creating favorites from a connection URL
And we fixed 8 crashes that are hard to describe
Feb 12, 2019
Postico v1.5.5
Fixed an issue where tabbing between buttons did not work in the certificate verification dialog when "Full Keyboard Access" is enabled
Better error reporting when an error occurs after selecting files (eg. SSH and TLS keys)
The status display in the window title bar is no longer tinted gray for colorless favorites, it shines in beautiful white again (or dark grey, if you prefer dark mode)
Fixed a lot of crashes:
- when trying to uncomment lines in an empty SQL editor
- when double clicking on an empty string constant in the SQL editor
- when adding a new row after loading the table has failed
- after cancelling CSV import
- and a few more that are hard to describe
Jan 24, 2019
Postico v1.5.4
Fixed performance issues with the SQL editor (especially on macOS 10.13)
Hiding the sidebar now works again
CSV Import improvements:
- Better error messages
Empty columns are no longer ignored
- Fewer Crashes
We also fixed a number of crashes reported by the automatic crash reporter
Dec 29, 2018
Postico v1.5.3
Fixed an issue where Postico did not read license files during startup on older versions of macOS
Dec 27, 2018
Postico v1.5.2
Fixed a crash when pressing backspace in the SQL Query View
Dec 22, 2018
Postico v1.5.1
Added a preference to enable Dark Mode even when the system is using light mode
Improved Scrolling Performance for table views on macOS 10.13 and 10.14
Fixed a problem where the "Execute" button was drawn incorrectly on macOS 10.14
Fixed a number of crashes:
- fixed a crash after double clicking an error symbol
- fixed a crash when opening popovers with high contrast mode enabled
- fixed a crash related to query history navigation
- fixed a crash when exporting some tables to CSV file
- fixed a crash when pressing shift-tab and the cursor was at the end of the text view
Only one of those was reported by a customer.
That automatic crash reporter we added in 1.5 is proving invaluable!
Dec 17, 2018
Postico v1.5
Dark Mode
Postico now fully supports the dark mode introduced in macOS 10.14 Mojave.
More discoverable color setting
Lots of people contact us to request the ability to assign colors to favorites.
But that feature was already there!!
The new color picker makes it easier to discover.
Automatic Crash Reporting
Postico now automatically sends anonymous crash reports (when it crashes).
This allows us to fix bugs even if you don't tell us about them!
For details, please see the documentation.
Connection URL improvements
You can now use URLs to create and update Postico favorites, including setting SSH keys.
More details can be found in the docs.
Nov 30, 2018
Postico v1.4.4
Reduced CPU usage while queries are running in the background
Tabs now have an activity indicator
Fixed a text layout issue in the right sidebar
Fixed a bug where Postico crashed when triggering autocomplete
Performance improvements for autocomplete
Fixed a bug where an error was displayed after successful reload
DDL view now respects font size user preference
Fixed an issue where Postico incorrectly parsed passwords with special characters from URLs
Nov 7, 2018
Postico v1.4.3
Fixed a bug where the DDL generated for views contained double semicolons
Report correct line number when an error occurs during CSV Import
Fixed a bug where Postico crashed when trying to import a file that you don't have permissions for
Added a workaround to make sure MS office file types in bytea fields are correctly identified on macOS 10.14
Fixed a bug where the Postico structure editor shows pending SQL changes (empty) after clicking an index attribute
Fixed a bug where autocomplete did not work with the latest cockroach version v2.0.5.
Fixed a crash when an error message was not valid UTF-8
Improved error messages when authenticating to the SSH server fails.
Fixed display bugs on macOS 10.14.
Fixed a bug where Postico froze when autocomplete was triggered for a database with many tables or schemas.
Fixed a bug where Postico ran into a memory leak when exporting large tables as CSV
Postico now restores the height of the favorites window correctly
Improved compatibility with CockroachDB
June 18, 2018
Postico v1.4.2
Fixed SSH connection problems with ed25519 host keys
June 15, 2018
Postico v1.4.1
Fixed a crash when connecting to some SSH servers
Fixed a severe performance issue when importing CSV files on old PostgreSQL servers with escape_string_warning = on
June 11, 2018
Postico v1.4
CSV Import
Postico now allows importing data from CSV files! Select a table in the sidebar, then select "Import CSV" from the File menu. The rest should be self-explanatory!
If not, check out the documentation
DDL View #34
You can now display CREATE TABLE statements in the DDL (Data Definition Language) view.
Better SSH tunnel support
- support for EDCSA keys
- support for ED25519 keys
Bugfix: Fixed a crash on macOS 10.10 and 10.11 when using the shift-left / shift-right commands
Bugfix: Fixed UI lag on macOS 10.14
Bugfix: Buttons no longer disappear after duplicating a favorite
April 30, 2018
Postico v1.3.5
Fixed a bug where foreign key popovers close right after being opened on Macs with a Touch Bar
Fixed a bunch of display glitches in the table view
April 25, 2018
Postico v1.3.4
Double click blank area to insert a new row
Fixed a bug where Postico did not update a changed SSH key passphrase even though "Save in Keychain" was checked.
Tried to be more resilient when we receive invalid strings with \0 bytes from broken servers
Fixed display of constraints with newlines
Fixed a bug where changes to constraints were not saved when you press Cmd-S before closing the popover
Fixed a bug where editing foreign key values directly in the sidebar did not work
Jump back to page 1 after truncating a table
April 4, 2018
Postico v1.3.3
Improvements for autocomplete:
tab completion beeps a lot less (eg. if multiple completions are possible they are shown right away)
typing a literal tab character is now possible after using tab completion / autocomplete
Pressing ⌥⇥ now always inserts a literal tab (doesn't trigger tab completion any more)
Don't trigger autocomplete when pressing ⌘.
Fixed placement of the autocomplete window when the cursor is near the edge of the screen
- many minor bug fixes
Added support for late binding views on Amazon Redshift
Fixed an autolayout bug on macOS 10.10 in the preferences window
2.75x faster SQL parsing
We've made some improvements with regard to connection URL (like postgres://
- You can now paste URLs into the favorites window #510
- Postico now ignores whitespace when parsing URLs #510
- It's no longer required to include user name & database name when opening URLs if you already have a matching favorite.
- You can use the scheme postico instead of postgresql if you want to open Postico specifically, eg. open postico://
Better notifications: Clicking a "Query Done" notification now shows the query that was completed.
Also, Postico no longer creates notifications when the query is in the foreground.
Security: Postico now ensures that other apps cannot use its SSH Tunnel.
The text editor now has improved word boundary detection when using schema qualified identifiers (eg. when using option + arrow key)
Support for LISTEN / NOTIFY #496
Support for using three finger swipe gestures to go back / forward
(when enabled in system preferences)
Fixed a crash when using the context menu in the sidebar
Fixed incorrect tab width in SQL text view that occurred with some fonts (eg. Monaco)
Fixed an issue where SQL text fields "captured" the tab key
Don't abort editing text fields when pressing ⌘. or F5
Pressing Esc when editing filters no longer removes the filter (it just cancels editing instead)
Cycling through foreign key fields in the sidebar now works
January 22, 2018
Postico v1.3.2
Added a preference to disable autocomplete when typing a period
Query Autosave improvements: Postico now autosaves queries for each window or tab separately in the Application Support directory.
Previously, Postico only stored the query of the last window you closed.
Now Postico restores queries in the order that windows / tabs were created.
This should fix an issue where the saved query "disappears" after restarting Postico.
When pasting strings like "hostname:port" into the host field, Postico now puts the port into the correct field.
Additionally, you can now paste PostgreSQL URLs into the host field, and Postico will put everything into the correct fields.
Postico now saves the color when exporting and importing favorites
Fixed preference window on Mac App Store version (connection handling settings were not displayed)
Updated PostgreSQL client libraries to version 10. This means that Postico now supports the new scram-sha-256 authentication method.
Fixes the "authentication method 10 not supported" error
December 18, 2017
Postico v1.3.1
Fixed a crash that happened when using Autocomplete on some Amazon Redshift clusters
Fixed a memory error that sometimes caused a crash when using Autocomplete on macOS 10.11
Disable thousands grouping character in the "Go To Page" number field to avoid issues with localization
Postico v1.3
Requires macOS 10.10 or later.
If you are still on macOS 10.9, please use Postico 1.2.4 instead.
New Feature: Autocomplete
Bugfixes and Improvements
Filter Improvements:
- the "Does Not Contain" filter now includes NULL values
the "Is Distinct From" filter now works on Amazon Redshift
Postico now correctly detects Microsoft Office documents in bytea columns
The text field in the DROP DATABASE dialog is now focussed initially
Fixed a bug that caused text to disappear when clicking the "view definition" field on macOS High Sierra
Added a button to show all tabs (macOS 10.13 and later)
December 14, 2017
Postico v1.2.4
Postico 1.2.4 is a maintenance release for customers running macOS 10.9.
It contains all the bugfixes from Postico 1.3, but none of the new features that use APIs from macOS 10.10.
Postico now correctly detects Microsoft Office documents in bytea columns
The text field in the DROP DATABASE dialog is now focussed initially
Filter Improvements:
- the "Does Not Contain" filter now includes NULL values
the "Is Distinct From" filter now works on Amazon Redshift
added test cases for text filters
Fixed a bug that caused text to disappear when clicking the "view definition" field on macOS High Sierra
October 23, 2017
Postico v1.2.3
Generate correct PostgreSQL URLs when user, password, host or database contains special characters like question marks
Unicode Fun: Fixed a problem where the editor didn't work reliably with some combining characters (eg. country flag emojis 🇦🇹).
More Unicode Fun: The syntax highlighter now supports non-ascii identifiers without quotes 😳
Fixed an issue with columns of type geometry(…)[]
Fixed a crash when pasting rows with invalid data for an ENUM column
August 7, 2017
Postico v1.2.2
Fixed an issue with activating Postico license files.
August 6, 2017
Postico v1.2.1
Fixed an issue that prevented Postico 1.2 from connecting to pg_bouncer.
Fixed an issue where the connection security info could not be displayed
August 4, 2017
Postico v1.2
New Features
Keep Connection Alive: Postico now periodically sends a command to the server to ensure that the connection isn't terminated by a firewall or similar.
This setting replaces the "Disconnect Automatically" function, which did not work reliably when using temp tables or changing settings like the search path.
Restore session settings: Postico now remembers session settings (like time zone, datestyle, search path) and restores them after reconnecting when the connection was lost.
The new SQL Preview button for filters lets you display the SQL generated by Postico
Postico now displays partitioned tables (introduced in PostgreSQL 10)
Postico can now display Redshift Spectrum tables
Switch between tabs with ⌘1 to ⌘9
I added an "is distinct from" filter, and removed "is not exactly" to avoid confusion.
The difference is that the former includes NULL values while the latter does not.
Filters with blank fields are now ignored.
There is now a new filter that searches for empty strings.
Made row count & elapsed time selectable
Added keyboard shortcuts for changing the font size (⌘+ and ⌘-)
More consistent handling of the ESC key:
- ESC now means "Revert Changes" in most text fields
- ESC no longer triggers System Autocomplete #379
- ESC dismisses the filter bar & page selector
Reloading no longer collapses schemas
⌘↩ now applies filters in the table view
Foreign keys are now editable
Made it more obvious how to activate Postico. All nag dialogs now have an "Activate License…" button, and I've added an "Activate License…" menu item to the help menu.
Fixed an issue that prevented pasting into the SQL Query View
Fixed an issue where the Open Quickly command searched the wrong database
Fixed minor display issues
Fixed a problem where the detail sidebar always showed "no row selected"
Fixed a problem when reloading a relation that changed type (eg. view -> table)
Postico now sets the extra_float_digits parameter to 3 when connecting to the server.
This ensures that no information is lost when transmitting float or double values.
If setting the parameter to 3 fails (server older than 9.0), Postico falls back to extra_float_digits=2
Fixed an issue where Postico showed old data when a table or view was replaced with a new one of the same name
Truncating multiple tables now works on old PostgreSQL servers and Redshift.
March 28, 2017
Postico v1.1.2
Added a preference to use a monospace font for the table view
SQL Query is no longer filtered when searching tables in the side bar
Added a command to sort favorites (in the context menu).
Fixed a bug where the Quick Open command (⌘P) sometimes didn't match schema names.
Postico now shows a warning if you go to a page that doesn't exist
Fixed an issue with placement of new windows and tabs when using a secondary display.
Improved error message when an unsuitable character encoding was used for export
Postico no longer commits an already active transaction when saving changes.
Fixed a layout glitch in the table filter view.
Fixed errors when clicking SQL Preview button while not connected.
Fixed a crash when displaying a table that has no columns (have you heard of table dum and table dee?)
Don't try to open a temporary table when doing window restoration (the table won't be there anymore)
Replaced a unicode character in the change list for version 0.28 that caused a crash on macOS 10.9
(The culprit was VARIATION SELECTOR-15)
February 1, 2017
Postico v1.1.1
Fixed two crashes when opening the structure view of some tables on some Redshift clusters.
Text fields in views can now be edited in the sidebar.
Fixed erratic auto sizing behavior for table columns in the SQL query view
January 27, 2017
Postico v1.1
Create Indexes for Tables and Materialized Views
Postico now has a really nice GUI for adding indexes.
Existing indices are also displayed graphically (instead of raw SQL).
Add support for the Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro
In the query view, Postico now immediately displays error messages even when a query returns rows.
Additionally, Postico now displays a status icon after the query completes so you immediately see if it succeeded.
The elapsed time for queries is now printed with monospaced digits to avoid jittering.
Improved performance when editing large SQL scripts in the query view.
Are you annoyed that Postico automatically creates a favorite when you open a postgres:// URL?
You can now disable this behavior with a hidden preference. Just execute the following command:
defaults write at.eggerapps.Postico CreateFavoritesForURLs 0
Added purple color option for favorites.
Fixed a bug that caused high CPU usage while Postico is connecting via SSH
Fixed a crash when adding large files to bytea fields
Fixed a bug where using the Quick Open command accidentally filtered tables in the side bar.
Updated bundled libraries: libpq 9.5.5, OpenSSL 1.0.2j, libssh2 1.8.0.
Since libpq 9.5.5 no longer uses the shared SSL Context,
this release should also fix a potential deadlock while connecting.
When this happened, Postico just showed the message "Working..." and did nothing
October 12, 2016
Postico v1.0.10
The “Open Quickly” now works better across multiple databases. It is also faster, more stable, and has improved ranking of search results.
Added “Copy JSON” and “Copy HTML Table” commands
Copy INSERT now includes table schema
Fixed a number of issues where syntax highlighting did not work as expected.
Fixed an issue where Postico disconnected from the server after an error occurred when using localised error messages
Add support for deleting and renaming indices in CockroachDB
Error messages are no longer duplicated in the SQL Query View
“Clear Results” command (⌘K) lets you clear the SQL Query View
Added a hidden setting to disable restoring the text in the SQL Query View
defaults write at.eggerapps.Postico DontRestoreQueryViewText 1
Postico now remembers the size & position of the favorites window.
The bundled version of libpq was updated to version 9.5.4
Removed bundled libmagic
Fixed a crash when Postico opens many connections simultaneously (eg. when using the Quick Open command)
Fixed a crash when displaying error messages on macOS 10.9
August 5, 2016
Postico v1.0.9
Postico now automatically restores text in the SQL query editor
Added "Open Quickly…" command. Press ⌘P and type a part of a table name to show a list of matching tables, then press enter to navigate to the the matching table.
Postico now supports tabs on macOS Sierra. Press ⌘T to open a new tab.
You can now select PEM files for TLS client certificates
Fixed an issue where Postico did not update the total number of rows after changing filter settings.
Postico now uses a heuristic to decide whether to restore the filter in foreign key popovers
Errors during loading of the structure view are now reported in more detail.
Fixed a problem where connection errors where displayed only partially.
June 1, 2016
Postico v1.0.8
Fixed an issue that prevented Postico from updating Boolean columns.
May 31, 2016
Postico v1.0.7
Postico now supports using client certificates for authentication
Postico now has basic support for CockroachDB
Numbers with type NUMERIC(x,y) are now displayed with trailing zeros.
Support for copy/pasting tables with cells that contain newlines
Fixed a problem where Postico could hang when quickly clicking the next page button
Fixed a problem with NULL values in the sidebar
Clicking the column header now cancels the previous query, so
you no longer have to wait until Postico has finished loading a table before you can change the sort order.
If you accidentally clicked the header, you can now just click it again to deactivate sorting again.
Postico now asks for confirmation before deleting favorites
Error messages for loading tables are no longer modal
Numbers in generated SQL are no longer quoted.
Bundled libpq updated to 9.5.3, OpenSSL updated to 1.0.2h
April 12, 2016
Postico v1.0.6
Performance of column autosizing has been vastly improved, especially for tables with many columns.
Add support for the standard Find & Replace panel in the Query View. You can activate it by ⌘F.
Unfortunately this means I've had to change the shortcut for filter rows to ⌥⌘F
A small button in the status bar now shows whether the connection is encrypted or not.
Clicking the button lets you validate details such as the SSH host key or TLS certificates sent by the server.
You can now delete rows by pressing backspace (as an alternative to Cmd-Backspace)
Added a "Reload Current View Only" command ⌥⌘R
Added a list of keyboard shortcuts to the documentation
Fixed an issue where Postico would try to sort by inaccessible columns (eg. ctid)
March 4, 2016
Postico v1.0.5
Postico now treats UUID columns as numeric when filtering #184
Updated OpenSSL to version 1.0.2g.
Fixed a bug where text was sometimes truncated when changing row height to a single line.
Fixed problem when displaying error message.
psql commands are now highlighted in red (they are not supported)
Feb 25, 2016
Postico v1.0.4
Table view:
Added preferences for font size, number of lines per row, alternating row background color
Postico now adjusts column widths intelligently
The number of selected rows is now displayed in the status bar
Improved display of floating point numbers
Postico now remembers whether you last used the contents or structure view
Postico no longer attempts to load columns that you don't have permission to view.
Server view:
Added a search field to filter databases.
Added a "Create Database" button
SQL Query View:
Press Ctrl-H to look up the current word in Dash
You can now change the tab width (default 4 spaces) and use spaces instead of tabs
Additional keyboard shortcuts: Shift Left ⌘[ and Shift Right ⌘]
Postico now uses Notification Center to show update notifications.
Postico now remembers the last used window size
Fixed a bug where Postico rejected certificates signed by intermediate Certificate Authorities
Fixed a bug where Postico gets confused when you replace a view/table with an object of a different type.
Fixed a bug where navigating between foreign keys didn't work
Update bundled OpenSSL to 1.0.2f
Update bundled libpq to 9.3.11
Update bundled libssh2 to version 1.7.0.
This version adds support for diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256, and it fixes
Jan 12, 2016
Postico v1.0.3
PostGIS geometry and geography columns are now detected even if they use annotations like geography(Point,4326) #140
Fixed a bug where loading SQL files with Windows linebreaks was slow and led to odd behavior.
Additional filters for text columns (>, >=, <, <=)
Allow sorting JSON columns
Automatically disconnect when idle is now off by default, because it can cause unexpected behavior.
You can enable it in the preferences.
Nov 30, 2015
Postico v1.0.2
Fixed an issue when pasting values into columns of type NUMERIC
Tabs in the SQL query view are now exactly 4 spaces wide #103
Fixed two regressions from version 1.0.1:
Inserting tabs into the SQL query view works as expected again
Postico now again shows proper error messages when saving changes fails
Nov 23, 2015
Postico v1.0.1
Added an option in preferences to change the font size of the SQL Query text view #38
The interface now refreshes correctly after deleting the last index.
The SQL Query View now recognises statements containing semicolons #109
Fixed a bug where the execute button was enabled even though there was no query on the line.
Postico now correctly handles special characters in filenames (like /) when exporting.
When saving changes to a table, you now have the option to commit changes even when the number
of affected rows does not match what Postico expected #130
You can now also disable the check altogether with a hidden preference:
defaults write at.eggerapps.Postico IgnoreAffectedRows 1
Postico now automatically replaces non-standard space and newline characters in the SQL query view, and it strips byte order marks.
#75 #84
You can disable this behaviour with a hidden preference:
defaults write at.eggerapps.Postico SanitizeWhitespace 0
Added a "Copy with Header" command #65 #125
Added a preference to disable Magic Mouse and trackpad gestures #129
Type select in the grid view: You can now just start typing to select tables in the grid view #119
Filter tables & schemas in the grid view #119
Nov 4, 2015
Postico v1.0
Postico now displays table indexes in the table structure view right below the columns.
This feature is currently mainly useful for informative purposes:
it's convenient to get a quick overview. You can also rename indexes, add comments, or delete indexes.
However, there is no graphical user interface yet for creating indexes (I will add that in a future version)
Avoid lost connections:
Postico now automatically disconnects from the server before your Mac goes to sleep,
or when the connection was idle for 5 minutes.
Postico reconnects automatically the next time you try to execute a query.
This should hopefully fix the problem of lost connections when servers are configured with a timeout.
You can disable the idle timeout in preferences.
Postico now uses Apple's new system font San Francisco everywhere (except for SQL which is shown in Menlo).
I also switched back to fixed width digits for better legibility of tabular data.
Additionally, numeric columns are now right-aligned.
I've also tweaked all the margins since the different x-height of the new font requires slightly different alignment occasionally.
PostGIS geometry and geography columns are now displayed as EWKT, which is slightly more readable than the default binary gibberish #92
Deleting a table that hasn't been saved yet no longer shows an error message and works as expected.
I added a context menu for table column headers in the SQL Query view #97
Fixed a deadlock (beachball) in the syntax highlighter #108
When using the "Copy As Insert" command, Postico now separates rows with newlines #104
Redesigned foreign key fields in the sidebar for a more consistent look and feel.
The sidebar now displays column types.
The tables in the popup menu for foreign keys are now sorted again #85
The query history popover lets you now insert queries by double clicking or pressing enter #101
October 9, 2015
Postico v0.28
You can now execute all queries with the keyboard command ⌥⌘↩
(behavior similar to Postico before version 0.27)
Fixed an issue where the Execute button became disabled (eg. after hitting ⌘A)
Fixed an issue where typing ⌘/ to uncomment lines didn't work
October 8, 2015
Postico v0.27
System requirements raised to OS X 10.9.
Postico wasn't as stable on 10.8 as I wanted it to be.
Working around bugs in Mountain Lion and additional QA efforts for the legacy system would have required too much time that I'd rather spend on new features, considering the very low number of users.
Improved error handling during connection establishment.
Postico was unreliable when restoring previously open windows in certain conditions.
Problems occurred when the server did not support SSL, or when the SSH server required keyboard-interactive authentication.
Connection establishment should now be much more reliable. Also, certificate warnings are now shown only once.
“Execute” (Cmd-Return) now executes only the current query #11
Improved query history
- Filter the history to search for specific queries #74
- Detail view shows the full query.
- Clicking back/forward now replaces only the current query, or the selection.
- Delete multiple queries from the history at once using the context menu.
SQL Preview popover is now bigger and scrolls.
Added support for displaying foreign tables.
Fixed a bug where a query displays no results when it is executed while a previous one is still running.
Improved button styling in SQL Query view in Yosemite (eg. cancel button is now visibly disabled).
Fixed display issues on El Capitan.
Postico now ignores unsupported SSH host key types in known_hosts #78
Fixed a crash when clicking the foreign key table button when multiple rows were selected.
Fixed a problem where strings were quoted incorrectly on Amazon Redshift
Fixed a problem where inserting rows failed on Amazon Redshift
Comments are now saved when adding a column to a table
Added new filters: “begins with”, “ends with”, and “like”
The breadcrumb control now also includes the schema of a table
Fixed display issues in the favorite window on OS X 10.9
August 14, 2015
Postico v0.26
More responsive user interface
- When designing new tables, they appear in the sidebar in italic until they are saved
Deleting objects now removes them from the sidebar and the main window without needing to refresh
Truncating a table refreshes it and no longer shows a modal dialog
- Table view automatically refreshes after making changes to table structure
- Postico now remembers settings like column order when renaming tables
Improved data entry for enums, booleans, and foreign keys
You can now select values for enum and boolean columns from a popup menu
- Foreign Keys now have a little icon that lets you pick rows from the related table
Added a button to view the related table
Tweaked the design of the table view. The header is now light gray and single-line, and I've added vertical grid lines.
- Views now load constraints from their source tables, allowing foreign key selection in editable views.
- Fixed layout issues on El Capitan
Fixed a crash when editing table structure with a check constraint that is not related to any columns.
Improve performance for tables containing very long text by truncating tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where toggling the right sidebar didn't work.
- Skip count query when number of rows can be inferred.
Added an option in preferences to disable forced sorting (improves performance for large tables without indices)
- Check constraints are now syntax-highlighted.
- Server Nickname is now displayed correctly in breadcrumb navigation
- Added reload button to the default toolbar
Fixed a problem where changing the "Rows per page" preference did not take effect.
Filters are now displayed at the top
- Changed default column type on Redshift from SERIAL (unsupported) to INTEGER
- The status display now shows "Transaction active" when a transaction is in progress.
- Postico now reloads the full row after making changes.
July 9, 2015
Postico v0.25
Open new windows from the dock menu.
Open connections now have a "New Window" button in the favorites window
Quickly comment (and uncomment) code in the SQL Query View. Hit Cmd-/ to comment selected lines. Or use Cmd-Alt-/ to comment a block of text.
Added a "Copy Column Name" menu item to the table view header context menu
Previously open windows are now restored when app is restarted.
(related to #14)
Add support for deleting databases
Update to PostgreSQL 9.3.9
Update to libssh2 1.6.0
Update to OpenSSL 1.0.2d –
Fixes CVE-2015-1793
Fixed button styling in SQL Query View on OS X El Capitan
You can now select and copy error messages in the Favorites window
Added a workaround for a bug in NSTableView where only the first 32000 characters are selected when starting to edit a cell with more that 32000 characters.
June 26, 2015
Postico v0.24
Filter Tables in the sidebar
Another feature that many people have requested.
With convenient keyboard shortcuts:
Press Cmd-Shift-F and type a few characters to filter tables.
Then select a table using up and down arrow keys.
Syntax highlighting is now enabled for the view definition text field, for SQL expression filters, and for the SQL preview popover.
Fixed back tab behavior when full keyboard access is turned on.
Hitting escape in text fields now discards changes and aborts editing instead of invoking auto-complete.
Toast schemas and temporary schemas from other connections are now hidden in the sidebar.
Additionally, there are now two separate settings for expanding the public schema and hiding system tables.
Confusingly, these two settings used to be combined.
Fixed a crash when the server sends an error message containing invalid characters.
Return now commits changes in the sidebar.
To insert a newline, type alt-return instead.
Fixed a problem were license files failed to validate (caused by a bug in Aquatic Prime).
Fixed a crash when opening a table with an exclusion constraint on a function.
Fixed a drawing bug on OS X 10.11.
June 12, 2015
Postico v0.23
- Fixed a bug where DELETE TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE did not work on OS X 10.9 10.8.
- Updated OpenSSL to version 1.0.2b
- Updated libpq to version 9.3.8
May 22, 2015
Postico v0.22
- Fixed a crash when typing three consecutive single quotes into the query text field.
- Fixed a crash when typing 'u' into an empty query text field.
- Added support for syntax highlighting on Redshift and older versions of PostgreSQL.
- Fixed a problem where characters that can't be displayed using Menlo were hidden in the query text view (eg. Chinese characters, Emojis)
- It is now possible to provide a nickname parameter when using postgres:// URLs.
- Allow deleting schemas from the sidebar context menu.
- Customize CSV export format.
May 19, 2015
Postico v0.21
Syntax Highlighting
Postico now includes a custom made syntax highlighter that was designed from the ground up for PostgreSQL.
It supports all language features (including peculiarities like nested C-style comments or dollar quoted string constants).
The high efficiency parser automatically runs in the background as you type and can handle even very large queries.
Smart Text Selection
Double-click quotes to select the entire quoted string. Also works for comments – just double click the start or end markers.
- Line Numbers
- Improved Connection Handling
- You can now forcefully disconnect if the connection was lost without closing the window by pressing ⌘⌥.
- Canceling the current query no longer freezes the UI if the connection was lost
- Connections are disconnected more reliably when windows are closed, any still running queries are cancelled
- Separate windows now use separate connections
- It is now possible to cancel commands when using SSH tunnels
- SSH tunnels now use a random unused local port
- More reliable caching of table structure
- Fixed a bug where Postico would hang when typing Shift-Tab (to reduce indentation) when the cursor was at the end of SQL text view.
- Improved performance when executing thousands of queries at once
- Fixed a problem where large integers were converted to double when entering data
- Added command to context menu in table view for inserting special values (NULL, DEFAULT, empty strings)
- Improved responsiveness when connecting to a database with 50000 tables
March 30, 2015
Postico v0.20
- Sidebar automatically expands schema/database to show current table
- Small performance improvements for SSH tunnels
- Fixed compatibility issue with OS X 10.8 and 10.9 (eg. TRUNCATE command did not work)
- Fixed a compatibility issue with PostgreSQL 8.0 and Amazon Redshift
- Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.2a
- The favorites window now displays the app version again
March 12, 2015
Postico v0.19
- Display table owner in the list view
- Escape key now works as expected when a table cell in the query view is selected
- Connection status messages in the favorites window no longer overflow
- New connections now open with your most recently used view mode (icon view or list view)
- Fixed a problem where view structure was incorrectly marked as having changes
- Improved autosizing behavior when double clicking separator between column headers.
- Display prettier SQL for default expressions and check constraints.
- Started to write documentation.
- Updated to libssh2 version 1.5.0
March 06, 2015
Postico v0.18
- Improved Reconnection Behavior
- Navigation Popup in window titlebar replaced with breadcrumb buttons
- Status display now full width
- Allow moving window when starting drag on status display
- Restored ‘Copy Name’ command in context menu
- Query View no longer cleared when reloading
- Shift-Tab now un-indents even when no text is selected
- Fixed ‘Copy Cell’ command in context menu
- Fixed database view on PostgreSQL 8.3 and earlier
- Upgrade libpq to 9.3.6; OpenSSL to 1.0.1l
February 2015
Postico – changes from PG Commander
All new design — optimized for Yosemite
I have simplified and completely redesigned PG Commander to take full advantage of Yosemite's new design language.
The new design degrades gracefully and also looks great on older versions of OS X.
Table Structure Editor
The most requested feature in PG Commander is finally here!
- Rename tables, change schema, change tablespace
- Rename columns, add columns, remove columns
- Change column type and default value
- Add & remove column constraints (Primary Key, Unique, Check, Not Null, Foreign Key)
- Add comments to tables, columns, and individual constraints
Table Contents View
- Inline Editor: double click cell to edit
- Batch editing: insert, update, delete multiple rows in a single transaction
- Update views
- Sanity check: PG Commander checks the number of affected rows before committing
- Row detail view now in the sidebar
- Update many rows at once with the sidebar
- Vastly improved scrolling performance
SQL Query View
I have completely replaced the SQL Terminal with the all new SQL Query View inspired by Sequel Pro.
I thought that the SQL terminal was a good idea, but it had a lot of usability issues.
For example, a common complaint from customers was that controls moved around.
Also, the terminal had unfixable performance issues.
- All new design & improved performance
- Support for large results (more than a million rows)
- Support for long SQL queries (100.000 lines or more)
- Query history popup: browse recent queries, clear individual queries from history
Status Display
There is now a status display in the title bar.
It shows what query is currently executing.
When idle, it shows which database you are connected to, and the server version.
Cancel command
The keyboard shortcut ⌘. now aborts the current query.
Improved Reload behavior
Cached data is now purged more reliably when reloading.
The terminal is no longer cleared when you reload.
Improved change tracking
PG Commander is now more reliable when you navigate away from a view with unsaved changes, eg. when using the back button.
New Sidebar Icons
Updated to a flatter look. Schemas now have a folder icon.
Table column titles now span multiple lines when there isn't enough space to show them in a single line
Added a preference to require confirmation before connecting to SSL servers with valid, but unknown certificates
Added a command to truncate tables.